Domain name security is a major issue for any entity wishing to send emails to its users, as it helps prevent attacks
such as phishing and spoofing that can damage the brand’s reputation and the security of the recipients. The SPF,
DKIM, DMARC and BIMI authentication protocols are essential to guarantee everyone’s security, but unfortunately
they are little known, little used or poorly mastered.
The correct configuration of these protocols in the DNS servers is essential to guarantee the proper functioning of
email services, in particular by ensuring the deliverability of messages and by allowing the verification of the identity
of senders, which helps prevent spoofing or impersonation of a sender.
Since the DNS record is public, it is easy to analyze the configuration of any domain name with free scanning tools like
The objective of this page is to take stock of the use of these security protocols by publishing barometers
according to different categories in order to:
• Highlight the management of domain names by emphasizing their security.
• Raise awareness on the importance of good DNS settings.
These barometers are published thanks to the DNS volume scanning tool of the Merox platform and only one main domain
is analyzed for each entity.